Return & Refund Policy

Damaged or Defective Item

Instead of returning the items, you may ask for either a refund or a replacement within 7 days after your item is delivered. There is no need to send the product back to us. Every shipment creates a carbon footprint, which runs against our belief in sustainability. Instead, please consider donating it to your local charity or homeless shelter.

To begin the process, please email and include 3 things: 
  • Whether you would like a refund or a replacement
  • A clear image of the damage or defect
  • Reason for refund or replacement

Package Never Arrived

If your package never arrived, please email with your inquiry. If we confirm that your package has been lost in the mail, you may request a refund or replacement.

Wrong Size

Every return shipment creates a carbon footprint, so in order to do our part and to help protect the environment, we encourage you to carefully take measurements and refer to the sizing charts so as to minimize the need for returns due to ordering the wrong size. In the interest of sustainability, we will not be accepting returns for wrong sizes.

Incorrect Address Provided

Please double-check that you have entered the correct address at checkout. If the address you entered is incorrect, please email us at immediately. However, once an order has been sent to production, the address cannot be changed. In this case, we will not be issuing any refunds or returns. Please remember to be thorough when entering your address at checkout.